• Do you know that 80,000 components are assembled together to make a F1 car? Even though these components are correctly assembled with 99.9% accuracy, it will still start with 80 things wrong.
• The deceleration and the retardation experience by the F1 driver when he pushes the brakes can be felt as if a normal car driver hits a brick wall at the speed of about 300 kilometer per hour.
• The F1 race cars can go from 0 to 160 kph speed and then back to 0 speeds in just 4 seconds.
• There are more than a kilometer length of a cable attached to as many as 100 of its actuators and sensors. Those are for monitoring and controlling various parts of the car.
• On an average the driver of the F1 reduces near about 4kgs of his body weight if he goes for just 1 race. This is because of the long time exposure of the high G forces as well as the temperatures.
• A F1 car is about 550kg in weight which is near about ½ of the total weight of a Mini.
• Aerodynamic design and the added down force is very much important. Just for an idea, take an example of a small plane; you know that it takes off at a speed slower than that of a F1 cars when it is on track.
• F1 race cars generally race at more than 300 kmph. If we do not have the aerodynamic down force, even the great racing cars which have sufficient power to produce the wheel spin will ultimately loss control at about 160 kmph.
• The down force has a tremendous power. Even in any street course race, it provides enough suction which basically can lift the manhole covers. Therefore, before the commencement of these type of race all manhole covers on the streets are welded from down in order to prevent from this mishap from happening.
• The refuelers which are used in F1 are able to supply 12 liters per second of fuel. Let assume that an average family car of 50 liter can fully filled in just 4 seconds. Actually they are using the refueling rigs which are now days used on the military helicopters of US.
• The top crew members of F1 can do refueling and change the tires both in just about 5 seconds. Amazing!!
• Every tire looses its weight during the race. It looses around 0.5 kg because of the wear.
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